Ethan Mick

Why I Love TypeScript

I must admit, I am not a JavaScript purist. My first experiences of Node.js was at my previous job, CloudMine, where we had several microservices written in CoffeeScript. I'm not sure why CoffeeScript had been chosen to write the microservices instead of plain JavaScript. Maybe it was syntactically similar to Ruby, which the rest of the platform was written in. Maybe 2010 JavaScript was too rough around the edges for them. Whatever the reason, it's what I started coding Node in.

And you know? I didn't hate it. When I had to write some regular JavaScript, it felt so barbaric. This was back in 2012, mind you, long before ECMAScript 2015. CoffeeScript had the syntactic sugar to clean up the rough edges of JS; arrow functions, default parameters, conditional assignment, classes, "everything is an expression". It was great.

I was happily coding my microservices in CoffeeScript while I heard rumblings of the future of JavaScript. A new standard was coming, one that addressed a lot of the issues with the current language. Classes, arrow functions binding this, default parameters, args, and even more. It took some time for the features to make it into JavaScript, but once they did, it was clear that the future had arrived.

There were two final nails in the coffin for my CoffeeScript love. The first was tooling; as ES6 became more popular the tools were updated to support it. Linting, testing, code formatting, integrations, and more -- they were all updated to support the latest goodness in ES6. As CoffeeScript's popularity wained, the community did too. This provided even more impetus to switch.

Secondly, the primary author of CoffeeScript took their time in deciding what to do with CoffeeScript's future.

Contributions and updates to CoffeeScript tapered off, until 2017, when a new primary maintainer stepped forward and started updating CoffeeScript to 2.0. Before then, there was much discussion on what to do with CoffeeScript and how to move forward. In a world where CoffeeScript was supposed to compile down to ES3, something every browser could use, why would you have it compile down to ES6? But if ES6 has the tooling to now compile down too, why use CoffeeScript? It was a language stuck in the past, unable to move forward.

So I left.

Andddd.... walked right into TypeScript. Look, it wasn't my fault, the new project was going to be in Angular 2 and there barely was documentation for how to use Angular in JavaScript. It felt like TypeScript or bust. And hey, I'm not stranger to languages that look like JavaScript, so sign me up.

Angular 2+ was a beast to learn itself (and the topic of another blog post), and TypeScript could mostly fade into the background, only using the type system to inject values. But over time there were some standout benefits to TypeScript over pure JavaScript, and why I love it so much.


Having a compiler is really nice. By conforming code to concrete types the compiler can catch a whole slew of bugs that might be present in the JavaScript but just aren't triggering. Importantly, the compiler is very good: you don't need to give it that much help for it to know the right thing. You also don't need to turn it off that much. When starting projects from scratch I always use strict mode and put in effort to have types for all my objects. It allows me to catch many errors before runtime, saving time and effort.

Language Features

TypeScript adds several nice additions on top of JavaScript:

  1. Interfaces: Allows you to define the shape of something with needing to concretely define a class. This is a great way to describe JSON responses from the server.
  2. Enums: A nice way to describe a type without resorting to strings or integers.
  3. Decorators: These annotations can be used to create powerful new features with minimal effort. Projects like TypeORM make extensive use of these.

Tooling and Community

A language is only as good as its community, and TypeScript has continued to foster an excellent community with great support.

  • DefinitelyTyped stepped in and provided a place for types for many projects that didn't support types themselves. This made TypeScript much more approachable and usable.
  • Prettier support!
  • Linting!
  • Testing with Jest.

I'm optimistic about the future of TypeScript and hope it continues to grow. As the community grows it means even more support for the language, and it's exciting to see projects adopt it such as Next.js. I'll continue preaching the virtues of TypeScript as well!

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